
A dialkylsubstituted imidazolium iodide ionic liquid (1-methyl-3-[3-(trimethoxy-lambda4-silyl)propyl]imida-zolium iodide, MTMSPIm+I-) was prepared with the intention of using it as a quasi-solid-state electrolyte for dye-sensitized photoelectrochemical (DSPEC) cells of Grätzel design, while the analogous electrolyte in a gel state was made by the addition of tetramethoxysilane (TMOS) in the molar ratio MTMSPIm+I-:TMOS = 1:1. The structure of the MTMSPIm+I- in its non-hydrolyzed and hydrolyzed states and in its fully condensed form, obtained after ageing the sols for various times (from a few hours to a few weeks) and heating them at 200 degrees C (fully condensed form), was studied employing time-dependent infrared attenuated total reflection (ATR) and 29Si NMR spectroscopic measurements. The structure of the condensed species was correlated with the viscosity and the specific conductivity measurements of MTMSPIm+I- sols and TMOS/MTMSPIm+I- gels during their ageing. The final product of the condensation of MTMSPIm+I- sols was described as a positively-charged ladder-like polysilsesquioxane with Tn end groups exhibiting a single T3 signal in 29Si NMR spectra and characteristic doublet bands at 1138 and 1049 cm(-1) in IR. This structure was retained to a large extent in TMOS/MTMSPIm+I- gels, confirming their nanocomposite structure. The results of the ATR infrared time-dependent spectroscopic studies showed that in the course of condensation of sols, the refractive index of the modes attributed to the polysilsesquioxane species exhibited strong dispersion, which led to shifts in the vibrational band positions in the experimental ATR spectra. This effect accompanies the sol-to-gel transformations and has not yet been considered as a possible error in analysis of the ATR spectra of sols and gels. The calculation procedure for obtaining the corresponding transmission spectra is briefly outlined and the results applied in this work.

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