
We have taken high-angle annular dark-field (HAADF) images of two monoclinic approximants, Al13Fe4 with lattice parameters of a = 1.5489 nm, b = 0.80831 nm, c = 1.2476 nm and β = 107.72° (Black P J (1955), Acta Crystallogr. 8: 43–48) and its τ2-inflated Al13Co4 with lattice parameters of a = 3.984 nm, b = 0.8148 nm, c = 3.223 nm and β = 107.97° (Ma X L and Kuo K H (1994), Metallurgical Materials Transactions 25A: 47–56). The space group of the τ2Al13Co4 approximant has been determined to be P2/m using the convergent-beam electron diffraction method. We have found that the monoclinic Al13Fe4 and τ2-inflated Al13Co4 approximants are composed of the same basic structure of a pentagonal atom cluster with an edge length of 0.47 nm. We have also found that a fivefold atom-cluster with a 2 nm diameter exists in τ2-Al13Co4, which was observed in decagonal quasicrystals of Al-Ni-Fe, Al-Cu-Co, Al-Co and Al-Ni-Co by conventional high-resolution electron microscopy (HREM). A structural model of τ2-inflated Al13Co4 is constructed on the basis of the convergent-beam electron diffraction symmetry HAADF images by referring to the structure of monoclinic Al13Fe4. The model is examined by the conventional HREM images and simulations. The 2 nm cluster of τ2Al13Co4 is compared with the fivefold atom-cluster with a 2 nm diameter in decagonal quasicrystals of Al-Ni-Fe, Al-Cu-Co, Al-Co and Al-Ni-Co.

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