
The Oudalan-Gorouol volcano-sedimentary belt (OGB) of Burkina Faso and Niger hosts meta-volcanic and metasedimentary sequences of the Birimian Supergroup that were folded and deformed during emplacement of the Dori Batholith (D1−x), the Tangaean Event (D1) and the Eburnean Orogeny (D2).The emplacement of the Dori Batholith accompanied aureole deformation (D1−x) and the development of proto-mylonite, migmatite, gneiss and schist on the northern margin of the batholith. Contact metamorphic grade reached granulite facies with partial melting of the supracrustal sequences. Emplacement of the Dori Batholith was succeeded by emplacement of monzonite dykes and sills through the OGB.The Tangaean Event (D1) accompanied formation of (a) the Saoga Branch of the Markoye Shear Zone (MSZ), (b) the Mukosi and Billiata mylonite zones that are hosted in the MSZ, (c) the Afu Branch of the Kargouna Shear Zone Complex (KSZC), and (d) northwest-trending thrust-folds (F1) that crosscut the OGB and coalesce with the MSZ. Metamorphic grade attained amphibolite facies in mylonite or proto-mylonite zones in the Saoga and Afu branches. D1 was succeeded by emplacement of alkali-granite plutons of the Dolbel Batholith.The Eburnean Orogeny, D2, accompanied formation of (a) the Korizéna Branch of the MSZ, (b) the Waho Branch of the KSZC, and (c) northeast–trending shear-faults that crosscut the OGB. D2 is manifested by refolding of F1 by northeast-trending F2, and development of a pervasive northeast-trending S2 to S2-C. Metamorphic grade attained greenschist facies during D2 with development of the mineral assemblage quartz–chlorite–muscovite±actinolite. D2 was succeeded by emplacement of northwest-trending gabbro and dolerite dykes.The OGB hosts structurally-controlled gold deposits that are sited along five metallogenic corridors and include the Essakane, Tin–Fal, Bom Kodjelé, Kossa and Tassiri Trends. Gold mineralisation is preferentially located where northeast-trending faults and shears crosscut northwest-trending thrust-folds, or where northwest-trending thrust-folds coalesce with north–northeast trending shears. An intimate relationship thus exists between D1 and D2 structures and gold mineralisation in the OGB. Gold in sheeted-stockwork veins is hosted in competent rocks units including conglomerate beds, greywacke, quartzite, monzonite dykes, pyroxenite–gabbro sills and D1 buck quartz veins. Gold in fine veinlets may also be hosted in massive shale units.

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