
— The sedimentary basins of Kharite, Nuqra, and Komombo are outlined with the potential geophysical data where the southern N-S Egyptian Nile course separates Nuqra and Kharit as the East Nile basins. Two commercial discoveries of Al Barka and West El Barka oil fields have been declared in the West Nile basin of Komombo. This work presents our insights on the structural setting and hydrocarbon system of these basins through our integrating results in form of interpreted seismic profiles and structural mapping on the different horizons, 1D basin modeling, geochemistry, and geologic maps based on high-resolution satellite images. Structurally, these rift basins are developed as NWtrending asymmetric fault-bounded half-grabens (oblique to the Red Sea trend) through the reactivation of a major Precambrian Pan African tectonic zone by the Neocomian extensional tectonics. The high potential source rock with up to 7wt. % TOC of kerogen II are proved in the Komombo basin. The seismic and drilling results show Neocomian-Barremian maximum subsidence and the possible occurrence of similar Neocomian source rocks in the eastern Nile basins. Additionally, the convenient clastic reservoir rocks occurred in the entire stratigraphic succession and seal capacity in the upper interval of Senonian-Paleocene. Good opportunities for hydrocarbon structural trapping take place in form of rotated fault blocks by the Early Cretaceous extensional rift and mildly inverted structures by a long span of Late Cretaceous to post-Early Eocene Syrian Arc compression in South Egypt. These elements were verified by Al Baraka discovery and present a promising play concept for hydrocarbon potential in the Kharit and Nuqra basins. The geochemical data indicate different basins exhumation and maturation levels, as the 0.5% calculated vitrinite reflectance "Ro" values occur at the depths of 1200ft and 2100ft in Nuqra and Komombo basins, respectively

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