
Crystals of the title compounds are both monoclinic, with unit cell dimensions:a = 9.293(5),b = 10.122(5),c = 16.737(7) A.β = 103.44(3)°,Z = 4, space groupP21/c for the cobalt derivative;a = 13.1s5(7),b = 17.546(s),c = 6.871(3) A,β = 107.01(4)°Z = 4, space groupP21/n for the copper derivative. The structures were solved from diffractometer data by the heavy-atom technique for the first compound and by direct methods for the second compound. Refinement by block diagonal least-squares gaveR = 5.9% for 3511 independent reflections andR = 8.8% for 2885 independent reflections for the cobalt and copper compound respectively. In both compounds the biguanide moiety behaves as a bidentate chelating ligand in a symmetrical tautomeric form, but it is deprotonated in the octahedral cobalt compound and neutral in the square planar copper compound.

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