
Recently, by genetic and biochemical approaches, it has been shown that adenovirus VAI RNA is required for efficient translation of viral mRNAs at late times after infection. To understand the nucleotide sequences and the domains of the VAI RNA that are responsible for the role of VAI RNA in enhancement of translation, a mutational analysis of the VAI gene was undertaken. Deletion, substitution, and insertion mutations covering most of the nucleotide sequences of VAI RNA were introduced into the VAI gene at the plasmid level. These mutant genes were then reintroduced into the virus, and growth properties of the mutant viruses were studied. The majority of the mutants retained normal or nearly normal levels of biological function. Mutations in the region between +43 and +53 and between +107 and the 3' end of the gene resulted in a considerable loss of activity. These mutants, however, grew significantly better than did an adenovirus type 5 mutant lacking both functional VAI and VAII genes, indicating that they retain a portion of their activity. Because no one mutation was able to completely abolish the function, we suggest that the VAI RNA may have multiple functional sites for its translation modulation function. These multiple sites may be short oligonucleotide sequences that may interact with cellular or viral components or both during translation.

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