
ErbB2 is a unique member of the ErbB family of receptor tyrosine kinases that is distinguished by the fact that no ligand has yet been identified. Due to the absence of an ErbB2 ligand, alternative mechanisms are used for ErbB2 activation. As such, when ErbB2 is over-expressed, kinase activation occurs in the absence of ligand because of constitutive homodimerization. However, at normal expression levels ErbB2 acts as the shared coreceptor for the ErbB family, and these heterodimeric complexes are activated in response to the partner ligand. While the extracellular domain and transmembrane domains are necessary for ErbB2 transactivation, the carboxy terminus is also required. Specifically, ligand-dependent ErbB2 transactivation requires a discrete three-amino-acid segment, located at the C-terminus of ErbB family members ErbB3, ErbB4, and the epidermal growth factor receptor. Transactivation of ErbB2 via the three-amino-acid segment likely represents a conserved mechanism for regulated signaling by the ErbB family of receptors.

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