
The three-dimensional structure of the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) coat protein disk suggests a possible pathway for the early evolution of the virus self-assembly mechanism. The coat protein contains a 2-fold repeated structural pattern in the folding of both its four alpha helices (A,B,C,D), which run alternately forward and back along the radius of the disk, and the four-stranded antiparallel pleated sheet which links these helices to the hydrophobic girdle at the outer rim of the disk. Helices A and B can be approximately superposed on C and D by a screw rotation about a molecular pseudo-dyad axis which lies nearly parallel to the plane of the protein disk. This operation relates 29 pairs of α-carbon positions with a root-mean-square deviation of 1.77 Å. A second pseudo-dyad in the pleated-sheet region relates 14 more atom pairs with a deviation of 2.32 Å and forms a distorted continuation of the relationship between the helices. The helix dyad also relates repeated pairs of functionally important amino acids which take part in intersubunit contacts. We have analysed these structural repeats and tested their significance by comparing them with repeats in other “helix quartet” proteins, cytochrome b 5 and the hemerythrins, as well as with an irregular helix cluster in thermolysin. TMV is noticeably more repetitive than the others, including hemerythrin which is thought to have evolved by gene duplication. We propose that the primitive TMV coat protein was a dimeric structure of two smaller units paired about a 2-fold axis. Each unit was a pair of helices, linked at the inner radius of the virus rod by a short bend, where the RNA binding site formed, and connected at the outer radius by two short strands of beta sheet. A tandem gene duplication joined the two units and formed the present helix quartet. The flexible loop which now runs into the centre of the virus and connects helix C to helix D developed later. The assembly origin RNA may have evolved from part of the coat protein RNA which codes for this loop.

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