
The Azotobacter vinelandii rhodanese is a 31 kDa sulfurtransferase protein that catalyzes the transfer of sulfur atom from thiosulfate to cyanide in the detoxification process from cyanide and is able to insert sulfur atom in the iron–sulfur cluster. A study of the uniformly 15 N isotopic labeling by high resolution NMR, before obtaining the backbone sequential assignment, has been carried out. The sulfur loaded and the sulfur discharged forms of the enzyme show very similar HSQC spectra with a good spectral dispersion. Few resonances show changes in chemical shift between the two forms. Relaxation parameters T 1, T 2 and 1 H – 15 N NOE of all amide nitrogen atoms, as well as isotope exchange kinetics, show that the two forms exhibit the same global correlation time and hydrodynamic properties. In parallel, essential dynamics studies show that formation and discharging of catalytic cysteine persulfide group has no significant impact on the overall conformation of the protein. These results, taken together, give a clearcut answer to the question if the catalytic mechanism of the enzyme involves a change in the conformation and/or in the mutual orientation of the two domains. On the contrary these results clearly indicate that upon the catalytic mechanism the two domains of the protein behave as a unique fold.

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