
The replacement of phosphodiester linkages of the polyanion DNA with S-methylthiourea linkers provides the polycation deoxyribonucleic S-methylthiourea (DNmt). Molecular dynamics studies to 1,220 ps of the hybrid triplex formed from octameric DNmt strands d(Tmt)8 with a complementary DNA oligomer strand d(Ap)8 have been carried out with explicit water solvent and Na counterions under periodic boundary conditions using the CHARMM force field and the Ewald summation method. The Watson-Crick and Hoogsteen hydrogen-bonding patterns of the A/T tracts remained intact without any structural restraints for triplex structures throughout the simulation. The duplex portion of the triplex structure equilibrated at a B-DNA conformation in terms of the helical rise and other helical parameters. The dynamic structures of the DNmt·DNA·DNmt triplex were determined by examining histograms from the last 800 ps of the dynamics run. These included the hydrogen-bonding pattern (sequence recognition), three-centered bifurcating occurrences, minor groove width variations, and bending of tracts for the hybrid triplex structures. Together with the Watson-Crick hydrogen-bondings, the strong Hoogsteen hydrogen-bondings, the partially maintained three-centered bifurcatings in the Watson-Crick pair, and the medium-strength three-centered bifurcatings in the Hoogsteen pair suggest that the hybrid triplex is energetically favorable as compared to a duplex with similar base stacking, van der Waals interactions, and helical parameters. This is in agreement with our previously reported thermody- namic study, in which only triplex structures were observed in solution. The bending angle measured between the local axis vectors of the first and last helical axis segments is about 20° for the Watson-Crick portion of the averaged structure. Propeller twist (associated with three-centered hydrogen-bonding) up to −30°, native to DNA AT base pairing, was also observed for the triplex structure. The sugar pseudorotation phase angles and the ring rotation angles for the DNA strand are within the C3′-endo domain and C2′-endo domain for the DNmt strand. Water spines are observed in both minor and major grooves throughout the dynamics run. The molecular dynamics simulations of the structural properties of DNmt·DNA·DNmt hybrid triplex is compared to the DNG·DNA·DNG hybrid triplex (In DNG the -O-(PO2-)-O- linkers in DNA is replaced by -NH-C(=N2)-NH-).

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