
The goal is to analyze the current state of Russian agriculture and the main problems of its further development. Designate indicators and parameters of macroeconomics that must be taken into account when assessing structural changes. Propose an algorithm for the formation of structural policy in Russian agriculture, justify the need and main problems of its implementation. Methods – the work on the article was carried out on the basis of the application of general scientific empirical methods in the framework of comparative, logical and statistical analysis, as well as through the analysis of structure and dynamics, tabular and graphical interpretation of information, etc. Relevance – it is noted that by 2020, the recovery growth in agricultural economy, which began at the turn of the century, has been completed, which made it possible to overcome the decline in production in the 1990s, ensure the country's food independence and create conditions for the transition to export-oriented development. At the same time, the indicators of the country's self-sufficiency in a number of products (milk, vegetables and melons, potatoes, fruits and berries), which were established by the Food Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation, have not been achieved. The share of spending on food in the family consumer budgets remains high. The development of agriculture is highly dependent on the supply of foreign technologies, machinery and equipment, seeds and breeding material, which creates risks for food security. The growth of agricultural production has little effect on the solution of social problems of the countryside. The intensification of agricultural production leads to the aggravation of environmental problems. Results – in the framework of this article, the directions of structural policy in Russian agriculture are considered, according to which the strategic documents of industry development are being adjusted. The author also considers the main directions of agricultural and rural policy aimed to solve these problems: stimulating investment in the industry; improvement of scientific and technical support for agriculture; measures to reduce price volatility in agri-food market; overcoming the departmental approach to rural development and diversifying the rural economy; measures to improve soil fertility and ecological situation in agriculture. Conclusions – the areas of improvement of agricultural policy which are considered in the framework of the article, the work on which is actively being carried out today by AIC management bodies, will play an important role in the development of agro-industrial complex of Russia. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure compliance between the tasks set for AIC to achieve the country's food security, increasing export potential of domestic agri-food products, sustainable development of rural areas and envisaged measures, as well as financial resources which are allocated for the development.

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