
Different fruit wines, chokeberry, blackcurrant and blueberry, were spray-dried using hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HP-β-CD) and inulin (IN). The structural, physicochemical, and biological properties of the spray-dried wine powders were studied over 12months of storage in darkness at 8°C. Identification and quantification of single phenolic compounds before and after storage revealed that HP-β-CD had a positive effect on anthocyanin retention during storage for all microcapsules tested. Similar decreases in anthocyanin were found for blackcurrant and chokeberry powders, ranging from 7.3 to 8.9% with HP-β-CD and 12.3 to 12.5% with IN. Levels of anthocyanin losses in blueberry wine microcapsules were much greater: 19.9% (HP-β-CD) and 22.7% (IN). The high antiradical activities of blackcurrant and chokeberry wine microcapsules were stable and remained unchanged during storage. All wine microcapsules revealed significant activity against medically important bacterial strains. The HP-β-CD samples showed generally higher activity against the test microorganisms compared to IN microcapsules, especially at concentrations of 100mg/mL.

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