
Bismuth titanate Bi4Ti3O12 (BTO) is a member of the layered Aurivillius phase perovskite ferroelectrics and has a structural phase transition at Tc of 675 C. Below Tc, BTO shows ferroelectricity with a large spontaneous polarization (30 C/cm) parallel to the layered structure. BTO attracted much attention as candidate material for ferroelectric memories because of the fatigue-free nature of the BTO-based mixed crystal Bi4 xLaxTi3O12 (BLT-x). Although the space group of BTO at room temperature is determined to be B2cb ð1⁄4 Aba2 1⁄4 C2cbÞ (Z 1⁄4 4) only from the X-ray and neutron diffraction patterns, its space group has finally been concluded to be Pc (Z 1⁄4 2) with monoclinic symmetry, taking into account the existence of the small spontaneous polarization (4 C/cm) perpendicular to the layered structure. Here, Z is the number of the chemical formula in the conventional unit cell. Various physical properties of BTO, such as a soft mode behavior and domain wall structures, have been intensively investigated. The Landau theory of phase transition in BTO was presented by assuming the point group 4=mmm in the hightemperature phase, where the phase transition of BTO from the tetragonal (4=mmm) phase to the monoclinic (m) phase was named the triggered phase transition. The splitting of the triggered phase transition, that is the existence of the intermediate orthorhombic phase (B2cb), was observed in the mixed crystal systems in Bi4 xRxTi3O12 (R = La, Nd, Sm, and Gd). It was reported that the prototype structure of BTO shows the space group I4=mmm (Z 1⁄4 4). It is conjectured, however, that neither the orthorhombic (B2cb) nor the monoclinic (Pc) phase can be directly induced from the tetragonal (I4=mmm) phase, on the basis of the group theoretical consideration. Even the primitive unit cell size in I4=mmm and B2cb phases is different. Note that the proper ferroelectric phase transition from I4=mmm to B2cb is impossible, because the latter is not any subgroup of the former at the -point. On the other hand, it was reported, on the basis of experimental results, that the Curie–Weiss behavior of the dielectric constant in the high-temperature phase is observed in BTO, indicating the proper ferroelectric phase transition. This seems to be in contradiction. In order to solve the above contradiction, Rae et al. and Perez-Mato et al. assumed the Fmmm symmetry to be the parent phase, where Fmmm is a subgroup of I4=mmm. If the high-temperature parent phase above 675 C is indeed orthorhombic as they claim, however, the Landau theory so far proposed of the triggered phase transition in BTO, which is based on the assumption that it is tetragonal, may fail. Thus, the symmetry of the high-temperature parent phase seems to be of crucial importance. Under these circumstances, to clarify the structural phase transition at 675 C and the symmetry of the parent phase of BTO, we investigate the domain wall structure in the high-temperature phase and discuss its symmetry on the basis of the group theory. Single crystals of BTO were grown by the flux method from a Bi2O3–TiO2 system. For domain wall observation, some c-plate crystals with an area of about 5mm and thicknesses of about 10–50 m were selected among asgrown crystals as samples. The temperature dependence of the domain wall structure in the c-plate of the BTO crystal was observed using a polarizing microscope with a hightemperature sample stage (Linkam TS-1500), where the possible temperature range of this stage is from room temperature to a maximum of 1500 C. Figures 1(a) and 1(b) show photographs of the c-plate crystal in BTO under crossed-Nicols below and above Tc, respectively, where the sensitive plate was used in Fig. 1(b). In Fig. 1(a), the 90 domain wall structure is observed, while no domain wall structure appears in Fig. 1(b), indicating that the c-plate sample of BTO is optically isotropic. Thus, it was confirmed that the symmetry of the high-temperature phase is tetragonal. In our experiment, the phase front was also observed near Tc, indicating the first-order phase transition. 200 μm A P

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