
In modular structures, prefabricated modular units are joined at the construction site. Modular structures must ensure splicing performance by connecting modular units sufficiently. The bolted connection using steel plates may suffer from alignment issues and corrosion problems. In a precast concrete (PC) modular system, there is difficulty grouting the sleeves when splicing reinforcing bars. This study proposed a PC modular beam using a bolted connecting plate to deal with issues in typical steel modules and PC modules. The structural performance was evaluated by flexural and shear tests on two monolithic beams and two proposed PC specimens. The test results showed that the structural performance of the PC modular specimen was 88% of that of the monolithic reinforced concrete (RC) beam specimen and 102% of the strength calculated by ACI 318-19. Therefore, the proposed PC modular system using bolted connecting plates can solve the problems observed in typical steel and PC modules and improve the structural performance.


  • Prefabricated modules improve the speed of construction, efficiency of material usage, and worker safety, but they impose limits on construction, e.g., related to module size

  • The proposed precast concrete (PC) modular system using bolted connecting plates can solve the problems observed in typical steel and PC modules and improve the structural performance

  • This paper proposed a PC modular system using bolted connecting plates to replace the grouted splice sleeves used in typical PC modules and simplify the construction process

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Prefabricated modules improve the speed of construction, efficiency of material usage, and worker safety, but they impose limits on construction, e.g., related to module size. This study proposed a PC modular beam system that can improve on the disadvantages of the rebars’ connection method of the existing PC module. This system applies connecting plates, which are mainly used in steel modules, to the PC module to connect the rebars of each module. The two modules were fully connected by injecting non-shrink mortar Since this construction process is very simple compared to the construction process of the typical PC modular system, the proposed method is expected to improve constructability. CCoonnssttrruuccttiioonnpprroocceessssoofftthheepprrooppoosseedd pprreeccaasstt ccoonnccrreettee mmoodduullaarr bbeeaamm ssyysstteemm:: ((aa))ccoonnnneeccttiioonnbbeettwweeeennUU--sshhaappeedd aanndd II--sshhaappeedd sstteeeell ppllaatteess;; ((bb)) bboolltteedd ccoonnnneeccttiioonn bbeettwweeeenn ppllaatteess;; ((cc)) iinnjjeeccttiioonn ooff nnoonn--sshhrriinnkk mmoorrttaarr

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