
Abstract. The article is focused on finding a new and modification of the existing paradigms of the innovative and investment partnership formation. The article studies the perspective key members of innovative partnership, their roles and possible cooperation effects. The attention is focused on the choice of directions of the innovative process realization depending upon the comparative assessment of approaches and the innovation commercialization expenses. The author outlines the direct and indirect form of the innovative partnership: «enterprise — university» and «enterprise — innovative mediator — university». The analysis of the profit-making channels in each chosen type of cooperation is provided. The globalization and capital concentration platforms preceding the integration partnership agreements are outlined and analyzed. To build up a separate adaptive paradigm of the innovative partnership the factors of the inner and outer environment forming the barriers for the realization of successful innovation partnership models are analyzed. It was found that one more factor to be considered when choosing the forms of innovative partnership between the parties concerned is the payback from the innovation commercialization, Its amount will be impacted by the objective factors of the currency depreciation in time, level of the sci-tech progress development, facilitation of the state policy, selected priorities of the national strategies, etc. Concerning the subjective factors, they fall within the variety of behavioral characteristics of an individual. It is stated that the formation of the innovative partnership is closely connected with the regional peculiarity of the location of enterprises, institutions and organizations. It is suggested to outline the innovative export-oriented and innovative import-dependent regions of the country. This feature will cover the possibilities of acquisition of innovations, knowledge and experience, and resources for their realization from the inner and outer markets. One of the factors of the commercial success achievement with the chosen form of the innovative partnership is the Blue Ocean Strategy which will allow studying the market more in detail and find the market niches in need of such new integrative formations. The incorporation of spin-off and spin-out companies is outlined as an efficient direction of the innovative partnership grounds realization. The article was prepared with the application of the following methods: expert appraisal, analysis and synthesis, economic experiment and scientific abstraction as well as graphic and logical methods. Keywords: innovative partnership, innovative process, innovation, business model of the innovative partnership, innovative mediator, innovation commercialization. JEL Classification L26 Formulas: 0; fig.: 3; tabl.: 2; bibl.: 12.


  • Education dualism and practical orientation of the players outline the necessity of platforms for the investment partnership between the educational institutions, enterprises and academic institutions

  • Actualization of cooperation is defined by the necessity of creating such paradigm of the investment and innovative partnership which could be adaptive in the dynamic environment, could be applied to different centers of liability, would provide for the unity of interests of the business-sectors, educational institutions, academic organizations and individuals as a resource of the ideas formation, changes initiator and decision-maker

  • The works of the following national scholars are dedicated to the analysis of the separate aspects of the innovations commercialization process, including the models, mechanisms and factors of the innovative process realization: V

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Education dualism and practical orientation of the players outline the necessity of platforms for the investment partnership between the educational institutions, enterprises and academic institutions. To create the cooperation models the key subjects interested in the realization of such cooperation shall be outlined They include: Two major parties (investor and investments recipient, enterprise and educational institution, academic education and business) and mediator who, depending upon major players, may gain the form of financial organization (investment fund and company, dealer or broker), innovative mediator and enterprise rendering the specialized services at the investment market (engineering, project, real estate agents) etc. It would be desirable to form the separate structural subdivisions of the enterprises to manage the cooperation between the business and science, be liable for the formation of the scholarly grounds of ideas which appeared in the business-environment and run the commercialization process of the ideas which appear in the research section of educational institutions. Types of income and losses within each direction of innovative process results realization

Losses of enterprise
The patent rights sales proceeds
Legal environment
Consulting services
Absence of interest
Low attractiveness
Weak experience
Inner impact factors
Innovative center
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