
In this work, the pulse electrodeposition technique was employed for the rst time to deposit AgInSe2 lms. The lms were deposited at room temperature from a bath containing Analar grade 10 mM silver sulphate, 50 mM indium sulphate and 5 mM SeO2. The deposition potential was maintained at −0.98 V (SCE). Tin oxide coated glass substrates (5.0 Ω/sq) were used for depositing the lms. The duty cycle was varied in the range of 6 50%. The X-ray di raction pattern of the thin lms deposited at di erent duty cycles indicated the peaks corresponding to AgInSe2. The transmission spectra exhibited interference fringes. Resistivity of the lms increased from 1.5 Ω cm to 12.4 Ω cm. Mobility increased with duty cycle. Carrier density decreased with duty cycle. The photovoltaic parameters of CdS/AgInSe2 solar cells increased with duty cycle.

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