
Structural, optical and electrical conductivity mechanism of four compositional series of xBi2O3-(1-x)(0.30P2O5–0.35V2O5–0.35MoO3) [x = 0.05, 0.15, 0.25, and 0.35] have been investigated. XRD pattern affirms the existence of nanocrystallites in the glassy network, which affects the structural, optical and electrical alterations. The structural variation leads to an increase in the density of all the glassy systems. The FTIR analysis reveals the shift of different band positions suggesting structural alterations. The electrical conductivity investigation reveals the decreasing values of ac and dc activation energy, which enhances the ac and dc conductivity. The validity of Mott's VRH model has been examined and the value of hopping energy has been estimated. The obtained DC conductivity spectra of all samples have been fitted with Greaves's model. The AC conductivity scaling model of Pan and Ghosh has been used to demonstrate the electrical conduction relaxation method. In the spectroscopic investigation, by deploying the Tauc's plot, the optical band gap energies of the studied glass compositions are estimated. The calculation of Urbach energy values allows us to estimate the disorders of glassy nanocomposites. Different spectroscopic parameters like refractive index, polarizability, reflection factor, and reflectivity have been studied.

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