
The article briefly outlines the scientific basis for the study of professional identity in historical and modern contexts and presents one aspect of the study of teachers - organizers professional identity in a recreational institution, namely the study of psychological characteristics of teachers - organizers professional identity at recreational institutions. The aim of the article is to clarify the structural features of the theoretical structural - holistic 3D model of a teacher - organizer professional identity at recreational institution, represented by integral - qualitative categories (reference professional image of a teacher - organizer, individual psychosemantic matrix, differential - psychological differential) and hierarchical levels: cognitive, associative, autonomous and integral. The empirical study was performed on the basis of the All-Ukrainian Children's Center "Young Guard" in the period from 2016 to 2021. A total of 214 people aged 19 to 35 took part. The subjects reflect the specifics of the professional community of teachers - organizers at a recreational institution. Certain structural elements of the model have a unique content and qualitative and quantitative indicators that reproduce the psychological features of the phenomenon of professional identity of a teacher-organizer at a recreation center. A unique feature of the model "spiral development" determines the development of a teacher - organizer professional identity in spiral and means that the processes and criteria embedded in the proposed model of professional identity develop in time and space simultaneously on several levels and with different quality.

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