
The article proposes to expand the theoretical and methodological basis of the security providing the «security of consumption» category. It is one of the dominant factors of national security, an instrument for strengthening the economic security of business and consumers through the harmonization of interests of all subjects of the consumption process. It is substantiated that security should be considered not only as a safety of a product or service, but also as a process of providing this property, which takes into account the basic values and indicators of human life. It is shown that close interconnection is observed between the basic components of the functional structure of national security (economic, food, environmental, information, social, demographic, military etc), which determines the importance of considering them as separate components with the addition of security of consumption and in a holistic system. Considering the interdisciplinary nature of the «security of consumption» category, it has been proven that in every component of national security there are certain elements of it, related to the direct, inverse or both direct and inverse relations with the security of consumption. A methodological approach to considering consumption security in the context of economic (consumption as a stage of social production), social (consumption as a process of meeting needs), environmental (environmental impact of the process of production and consumption), food (availability of food for the population, its quality and safety, infrastructure of storage, delivery, trade), information (negative information impact and consequences of use of information technologies, incompleteness unreliability and untimelyness of information about goods (services), violation accessibility and integrity of information) and other components of national security. The concept of the locus of security of consumption as a field of continuous interaction, formed by the intersection of six sets of security indicators (economic, social, food, environmental, information and scientific and technical) with the formation of separate segments of the set of indicators of security of consumption is introduced.


  • У статті запропоновано розширити теоретико-методологічний базис безпекознавства категорією «безпека споживання», що є одним із домінантних чинників національної безпеки, інструментом зміцнення економічної безпеки підприємництва та споживачів через гармонізацію інтересів усіх суб’єктів процесу споживання

  • It is substantiated that security should be considered as a safety of a product or service, and as a process of providing this property, which takes into account the basic values and indicators of human life

  • It is shown that close interconnection is observed between the basic components of the functional structure of national security, which determines the importance of considering them as separate components with the addition of security of consumption and in a holistic system

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У статті запропоновано розширити теоретико-методологічний базис безпекознавства категорією «безпека споживання», що є одним із домінантних чинників національної безпеки, інструментом зміцнення економічної безпеки підприємництва та споживачів через гармонізацію інтересів усіх суб’єктів процесу споживання. Тобто безпека споживання безпосередньо пов’язана із системою забезпечення національної, зокрема економічної, соціальної, продовольчої і демографічної, безпеки держави. Подібний переклад поняття «безпека» (security) використовується також і для позначення безпеки держави – національної, економічної тощо.

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