
Group II introns are both catalytic RNAs and mobile retroelements that move through a process catalyzed by a RNP complex consisting of an intron-encoded protein and the spliced intron lariat RNA. Group II intron-encoded proteins are multifunctional and contain an N-terminal reverse transcriptase domain, followed by a putative RNA-binding domain (domain X) associated with RNA splicing or maturase activity and a C-terminal DNA binding/DNA endonuclease region. The intron-encoded protein encoded by the mobile group II intron RmInt1, which lacks the DNA binding/DNA endonuclease region, has only a short C-terminal extension (C-tail) after a typical domain X, apparently unrelated to the C-terminal regions of other group II intron-encoded proteins. Multiple sequence alignments identified features of the C-terminal portion of the RmInt1 intron-encoded protein that are conserved throughout evolution in the bacterial ORF class D, suggesting a group-specific functionally important protein region. The functional importance of these features was demonstrated by analyses of deletions and mutations affecting conserved amino acid residues. We found that the C-tail of the RmInt1 intron-encoded protein contributes to the maturase function of this reverse transcriptase protein. Furthermore, within the C-terminal region, we identified, in a predicted alpha-helical region and downstream, conserved residues that are specifically required for the insertion of the intron into DNA targets in the orientation that would make it possible to use the nascent leading strand as a primer. These findings suggest that these group II intron intron-encoded proteins may have adapted to function in mobility by different mechanisms to make use of either leading or lagging-oriented targets in the absence of an endonuclease domain.

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