
The Roosevelt Hot Springs Known Geothermal Resource Area (KGRA) is a hot-water dominated system in fractured plutonic and metamorphic rock. A principal purpose of this study was to determine the geometry and origin of fractures as an aid to developing a structural model for the reservoir. The results may also be useful for the design of hydrofracture experiments at the Roosevelt KGRA. Three major normal fault trends are present in the Mineral Mountains. North-northeast trending faults, including the Opal Mound Fault, form the center of low electrical resistivity and high heat flow anomalies. Major east-west trending structures such as the Hot Springs Fault form structural boundaries for the geothermal reservoir. A set of northwest trending faults also occurs in the KGRA. Structural analysis was conducted by field mapping of joints, small shear zones, and dikes. Three major styles of fracturing have been identified.

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