
Synopsis Reinvestigation and new mapping confirm that the area contains a number of large thrust sheets and imbricate slices of Cambrian cover and Lewisian basement but emphasise that they are bounded by an interconnecting network of WNW-directed faults. The network demonstrably propagated, piggy-back fashion, into the foreland since higher structures are cut or bulged up by lower imbricates. These new interpretations require a revision of structural units in the Glendhu area. The margins of culminations, which resulted from the continual stacking of imbricate slices, are the sites of extensional faulting which locally post-date thrust structures. However, some of the major thrusts in the area have primary extensional geometries in their footwalls and hanging walls since they cut down stratigraphic section towards the foreland. The proposed explanation is that bedding in the foreland Cambrian shelf was dipping gently to the SE, possibly in response to isostatic loading by the emplacement of the c. 10 km thick Moine thrust sheet. Datum-parallel thrust flats would then cut down stratigraphic section with an extensional sense. Early extensional strains which locally predate imbricate thrusts in those Cambrian quartzites in the immediate footwall to the Moine thrust may reflect a major gravity spreading component in the initial phases of the emplacement of the Moine sheet. The geometry of thrusts in the Glendhu culmination is illustrated on a balanced cross-section. The hanging wall of the Glencoul thrust, which includes a stack of interthrust Cambrian cover and Lewisian basement termed the Aisinnin imbricates, restores to a width of over 15 km. This can be added to the displacement on the Glencoul and lower thrusts as estimated from the offset of foreland structures, of 25–33 km, to give a total restoration for the footwall of the Moine thrust of at least 40 km.

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