
DFT/BP86 calculations have been carried out on a series of hypothetical binuclear compounds of general formula (L3M)2(C12N2H8) (M = Sc–Ni, L3 = (CO)3, (PH3)3 and Cp−, and C12N2H8 = phenazine ligand-denoted Phn). The various structures with syn and anti configurations have been investigated, in order to determine the phenazine’s coordination to first-row transition metals of various spin states with syn and anti conformations. The lowest energy structures depend on the nature of the metal, the spin state, and the molecular symmetry. This study has shown that the electronic communication between the metal centers depends on their oxidation state and the attached ligands. The tricarbonyl and the triphosphine ligands gave rise to comparable results in terms of stability order of isomers, metal-metal bond distances, and the coordination modes. Metal-metal multiple bonding has been evidenced for Sc, Ti, and V complexes to compensate the electronic deficiency. The Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni-rich metals prefer the anti conformation due to the enhancement of the metal valence electron count. The spin density values calculated for the triplet and quintet spin structures point out that the unpaired electrons are localized generally on the metal centers. The Wiberg bond indices are used to evaluate the metal-metal bonding. Furthermore, calculations using the BP86-D functional which take into account the attractive part of the van der Waals type interaction potential between atoms and molecules that are not directly connected to each other gave comparable results to those obtained by BP86 functional in terms of coordination modes, HOMO-LUMO gaps, metal-metal bond orders, and the stability order between isomers, but with slight deviation of M–C, M–N, and M–M bond distances not exceeding 3%.

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