
The effect of potential tetragonal and triclinic distortions of the energetic favorable cubic crystalline structure in CoFeZrSi Heusler compound, was investigated, using semiclassic Boltzmann theory on the thermoelectric functionalities. Chemical potential dependence of the conductivity integral σ/τ for relaxed cubic and tetragonal structures confirms p-type thermoelectric characteristics. When triclinic deformation is investigated, the electrical conductivity response indicates that the material’s ability to conduct electric current decreases. The calculated Seebeck coefficients exhibit positive values for the crystalline structures whose angles are equal to 90o (cubic and tetragonal), over the 300–1200K temperature range. The figures of merit ZT, for relaxed cubic and tetragonal structures, at optimum unit cell volume or higher, present around room temperature, promising features as a potential thermoelectric material (i.e. ZT = 0.94 for 350K in optimum cubic structure).

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