
We purified ghrelin peptide and determined the cDNA sequence encoding the precursor protein from the stomach of the red-eared slider turtle, Trachemys scripta elegans. The Trachemys ghrelin is comprised of 25-amino acids and has the sequence GSSFLSPEYQNTQQRKDPKKHTKLN. The third serine residue was modified by n-octanoic (C8:0), decanoic (C10:0) or unsaturated decanoic acid (C10:1). The carboxyl-terminal end of the peptide was not amidated, as seen in the ghrelins of other land vertebrates. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis revealed high levels of gene expression in the stomach and moderate levels in the large intestine and pancreas. Histochemical studies of turtle stomach revealed that ghrelin-immunopositive (ghrelin-ip) cells, which were small and round, were observed in the mucosal layer of the stomach but not in the myenteric plexus, and ghrelin-mRNA-expressing (ghrelin-ex) cells detected by in situ hybridization were scattered in a similar distribution as ghrelin-ip cells. These results indicate that ghrelin is present in reptiles.

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