
AbstractThe primary objective of the study is to examine the interplay between unregulated urban growth and residential land market pricing. This interplay is examined in the context of Bangalore, which is the one of the fasted growing cities in Asia through a few key research questions. (1) What are the factors contributing to the exponential growth and sprawl of Bangalore? (2) What are the structural factors determining residential land market prices? (3) How does the regulated and unregulated land development processes affect land market prices in growing urban systems such as Bangalore? And (4) what are the institutional challenges and opportunities for improving the land market efficiency in the city? Beside the use extensive secondary data, including spatial data generated through satellite imageries and land conversion data collected from the District Land Registration Office, the study has used 720 actual land transaction price data over 2005–2010 periods from 9 fast-growing land market locations ...

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