
The Klondike Schist that forms the basement rocks for the famous Klondike placer goldfield was emplaced as km-scale thrust slices in Early Jurassic time, along with some thin (10 to 30 m-scale) slices of greenstone and ultramafic rocks. Permian metamorphic fabrics in the schists were deformed during thrust emplacement by structures formed as the rocks passed through the brittle–ductile transition. Early-formed thrust-related structures were almost-pervasive recumbent folds that affected both the schist and greenstone/ultramafic slices and imposed a spaced cleavage with minor recrystallisation of micas. These structures gave way to shallow-dipping phacoidal cleavage near (within <100 m of) thrust structures. Thrust-related structures have been overprinted locally by well-defined steeply dipping reverse fault-fold zones, and associated upright folding on regional (km) to mesoscopic (m) scales. The fold-fault zones occur as two orthogonal sets of structures oriented NW to N and NE to E. Some of these steeply dipping fault zones have been reactivated by Late Cretaceous normal faulting. Orogenic (mesothermal) gold-bearing veins were emplaced in local sites of extension during or after formation of the compressional fault-fold zones and before normal fault reactivation. Over 400 veins (m to cm-scale) observed in this study imply a general NW strike for mineralised structures (W to N), but with a broad scatter of orientations. Vein emplacement was controlled principally by fold axial surfaces of kink folds of the fault-fold generation. However, some other local extension sites have opened along preexisting structures to host veins locally, including metamorphic foliation and spaced cleavage planes. In addition, irregular extensional fractures with no obvious structural control host some veins. The Klondike mineralised veins formed as swarms with broad regional structural control, but represent relatively diffuse mineralised zones, with numerous scattered small veins, compared to most orogenic vein systems. These diffuse vein swarms appear to be sufficient sources for the rich and geographically localised placer gold deposits that formed in overlying gravels during erosion of the Klondike Schist basement.

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