
Structural characterization of Cd 1-x Zn x S : Cu solid solutions were carried out with 0≤x≤1. XRD studies have revealed that the compounds are polycrystalline in nature having either Hexagonal (wurtzite) or Cubic (Zincblende) structure irrespective of their composition. Also the compounds have shown the most preferred reflections due to the plane [101] of CdS(H) and [111] of ZnS(C) in addition to other prominent reflections. The various structural parameters such as lattice constant, average internal stress, micro strain, dislocaion density, grain size, and preferred orientation were correlated with the composition. The lattice constant decreased linearly with the increase in Zn concentration. The sign of internal stress indicated elongational and compressional natures corresponding to hexagonal and cubic phases of CdS respectively. The variation of micro strain appeared to be conjugate when compared to grain size variation, and the variation of dislocation density with the composition showed a higher dislocation density till x=0.4 and then decreased till x=0.8 and then increased. The degree of preferred orientation in mixed Cd 1-x Zn x S : Cu crystals as observed by the maximum peak intensity of CdS(H) and ZnS(C) reflection showed that the degree of preferred orientation remained almost constant till x=0.6 and then increased. The results were explained on the basis of different phases of the compound and the defects related to Zn atoms.

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