
Native state 1H NMR resonance assignments for 125 of the 129 residues of equine lysozyme have enabled measurement of the hydrogen exchange kinetics for over 60 backbone amide and three tryptophan indole hydrogen atoms in the native state. Native holo equine lysozyme hydrogen exchange protection factors are as large as 10 6, the most protected residues being located in elements of secondary structure. High exchange protection in the domain interface correlates with the binding of Ca 2+ in this region. Equine lysozyme differs from most non-Ca 2+ binding lysozymes in forming a highly populated partially folded state at low pH. The protein in this A-state at pH 2.0 has been found to bind 1-anilino-naphthalene-8-sulphonate with the enhancement of fluorescent intensity and blue shift in the spectral maximum characteristic of molten globules. NMR spectra indicate that the A-state is globally much less ordered than native equine lysozyme but does not contain significant regions of random coil structure. The amides most protected against hydrogen exchange in the A-state (protection factors up to 10 2 at 5°C) correspond to residues of three of the four α-helices of the native state; the side-chains of these residues form a hydrophobic cluster that includes five aromatic residues. Circular dichroism and tryptophan fluorescence indicate that these residues are substantially more constrained than similar residues in “classical” molten globules. Taken together, the data suggest a model for the A-state of equine lysozyme in which a more ordered core is surrounded by a less ordered but still compact polypeptide chain.

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