
The maturation of the head of bacteriophage T4 requires a cleavage of the major capsid protein subunit, P23, and results in a transformation of the unstable prehead shell to the chemically resistant shell of the mature virion. We have studied this transformation by comparing class I and class III polyheads, which have P23 lattices which correspond to the prehead and mature head, respectively. The inner and outer surface topographies of these structures were determined from optically filtered images of freeze-dried and shadowed preparations. Individual antigenic sites were localized on the polyhead surfaces by labelling them with Fab fragments obtained from antisera raised against polyheads and against sheets composed of a fragment of the P23 molecule. We find that the transformation involves a structural change in the surface lattice which eliminates protrusions on the inside surface and produces new protrusions on the outer surface. Changes in antigenicity include at least one site which disappears from the outer surface, the unmasking of a site which appears on the outer surface, and the movement of at least one site from the inside surface to the outside during the transformation. We discuss the mechanism of the transformation in terms of the changes in tertiary and quaternary structure of the subunits required to account for the observed changes in the polyhead structure and antigenicity.

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