
Bacterial tyrosine kinases (BY-kinases) comprise a family of protein tyrosine kinases that are structurally distinct from their functional counterparts in eukaryotes and are highly conserved across the bacterial kingdom. BY-kinases act in concert with their counteracting phosphatases to regulate a variety of cellular processes, most notably the synthesis and export of polysaccharides involved in biofilm and capsule biogenesis. Biochemical data suggest that BY-kinase function involves the cyclic assembly and disassembly of oligomeric states coupled to the overall phosphorylation levels of a C-terminal tyrosine cluster. This process is driven by the opposing effects of intermolecular autophosphorylation, and dephosphorylation catalyzed by tyrosine phosphatases. In the absence of structural insight into the interactions between a BY-kinase and its phosphatase partner in atomic detail, the precise mechanism of this regulatory process has remained poorly defined. To address this gap in knowledge, we have determined the structure of the transiently assembled complex between the catalytic core of the Escherichia coli (K-12) BY-kinase Wzc and its counteracting low-molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatase (LMW-PTP) Wzb using solution NMR techniques. Unambiguous distance restraints from paramagnetic relaxation effects were supplemented with ambiguous interaction restraints from static spectral perturbations and transient chemical shift changes inferred from relaxation dispersion measurements and used in a computational docking protocol for structure determination. This structurepresents an atomic picture of the mode of interaction between an LMW-PTP and its BY-kinase substrate, and provides mechanistic insight into the phosphorylation-coupled assembly/disassembly process proposed to drive BY-kinase function.

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