
<b>Background</b><br /> The analyses of personality disorders from the perspective of the structural aspects of Self may allow a better understanding of the psychological functioning of people manifesting a higher level of dysfunctional personality mechanisms. Research on personality disorders suggests that especially the maladaptive features associated with this group of disorders significantly hinder the ability to meet the requirements of the social environment, cause difficulties in coping with stress and thus cause suffering and reduce satisfaction with life.<br /> <br /> <b>Participants and procedure</b><br /> In an effort to examine the relationship between personality disorders and structural aspects of self and quality of life, correlational analyses of one hundred adult participants’ responses were conducted. Personality disorders were measured using the Questionnaire of Personality Disorders by Cierpiałkowska (2009). Structural aspects of self were measured with the Self Concept Clarity Questionnaire (SCC) and the Differentiation of Self Inventory (DSI). To assess quality of life, two measures were used: the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), and the Purpose in Life scale (PIL).<br /> <br /> <b>Results</b><br /> Personality disorders were negatively related to structural aspects of self, such as clarity of self concept and differentiation of self. They were also negatively correlated with satisfaction with life and the feeling of having a purposeful life.<br /> <br /> <b>Conclusions</b><br /> The results indicate that personality disorders lower a person’s ability to form a strong and clear self concept, to differentiate between one’s feelings and cognitive processes, and to establish autonomous psychological functioning. Apart from that, people manifesting personality disorders have lower quality of life in terms of satisfaction and purpose.

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