
Scientists at the US Department of Energys Argonne National Laboratory have begun to combine nanoparticles of boric acidknown primarily as a mild antiseptic and eye cleanserwith traditional motor oils in order to improve their lubricity and by doing so increase energy efficiency. In laboratory tests, these new boric acid suspensions have reduced by as much as two-thirds the energy lost through friction as heat. This could result in a four or five percent reduction in fuel consumption. Reducing the size of the particles solved a number of old problems and opened up a number of new possibilities. Boric acid owes its lubricious properties to its unique natural structure. The compound consists of a stack of crystallized layers in which the atoms tightly adhere to each other. However, these layers stack themselves relatively far apart, so that the intermolecular bonds (van der Waals forces) are comparatively weak. When stressed, the compounds layers smear and slide over one another easily, like a strewn deck of playing cards. The strong bonding within each layer prevents direct contact between sliding parts, lowering friction and minimizing wear. In our presentation it is proposed to carry out computational studies on boric acid. Their structural parameters, thermal chemistry, SCF energy and electronic structure would be presented.

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