
This study presents a structural analysis based on hundreds of striated small faults (fault-slip data) in the Amman area east of the Dead Sea Transform System. Stress inversion of the fault-slip data was performed using an improved Right-Dihedral method, followed by rotational optimization (TENSOR Program, Delvaux, 1993). Fault-slip data (totaling 212) include fault planes, striations and sense of movements, are obtained from the Turonian Wadi As Sir Formation, distributed mainly along the southern side of the Amman – Hallabat structure in Jordan the study area. Results show that σ1 (SHmax) and σ3 (SHmin) are generally sub-horizontal and σ2 is sub-vertical in 8 of 11 paleostress tensors, which are belonging to a major strike-slip system with σ1 swinging around N to NW direction. The other three stress tensors show σ2 (SHmax), σ1 vertical and σ3 is NE oriented. This situation explained as permutation of stress axes σ1 and σ2 that occur during tectonic events and partitioned strike slip deformation. NW compressional stresses affected the area and produced the major Amman – Hallabat strike-slip fault and its related structures, e.g., NW trending normal faults and NE trending folds in the study area. The new paleostress results related with the active major stress field of the region the Dead Sea Stress Field (DSS) during the Miocene to Recent.

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