
Since the 1950s, a large number of geological prospecting and exploration works have been carried out on the territory of Ukraine, dedicated to the search and exploration of placer titanium deposits. As a result, a powerful titanium raw material base has been created, in particular, titanium ore deposits with reserves and resources exceeding the total titanium reserves of all other countries of the world have been explored and prepared for exploration. The most promising deposits began to be developed and became the basis for the creation of the Irshanskiy mining and processing plant (Zhytomyr region) and the Vilnohirsk mining and metallurgical plant (Dnipropetrovsk region). The relevance of the presented subject is conditioned upon the need to use the latest information support tools to improve the quality of processing and presentation of geological information. The paper presents a summary lithostratigraphic scheme, features of the genesis and distribution of ore material (ilmenite) of the Krasnokutsk, Zlobychi, and Birzuliv deposits. These deposits are located in different parts (according to the tectonic division) of Ukraine, they have a diversified lithostratigraphy, geological and genetic types. Structural-lithological modelling of these objects is carried out. According to the presented structural and lithological models and paleogeographic reconstructions of the time of deposit formation, the change in ilmenite distribution depending on the type of placer formation is shown.

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