
Ustilago maydis is an aerobic basidiomycete that fully depends on oxidative phosphorylation for its supply of ATP, pointing to mitochondria as a key player in the energy metabolism of this organism. Mitochondrial F1F0-ATP synthase occurs in supramolecular structures. In this work, we isolated the monomer (640kDa) and the dimer (1280kDa) and characterized their subunit composition and kinetics of ATP hydrolysis. Mass spectrometry revealed that dimerizing subunits e and g were present in the dimer but not in the monomer. Analysis of the ATPase activity showed that both oligomers had Michaelis-Menten kinetics, but the dimer was 7 times more active than the monomer, while affinities were similar. The dimer was more sensitive to oligomycin inhibition, with a Ki of 24nM, while the monomer had a Ki of 169nM. The results suggest that the interphase between the monomers in the dimer state affects the catalytic efficiency of the enzyme and its sensitivity to inhibitors.

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