
AbstractThe Zagros hinterland fold-and-thrust belt is located in the central portion of the Zagros Thrust System and consists of the exhumed basement windows associated with NW-striking and NE-dipping flexural duplex structures that contain in-sequence thrusting and related folds. Mylonitic nappes of the basement were exhumed along deep-seated sole thrusts of the Zagros Thrust System. Lattice preferred orientation (LPO) c-axes of quartz show asymmetric type-1 crossed girdles that demonstrate a non-coaxial deformation under plane strain conditions. Based on the opening angles of quartz c-axis fabric skeletons, deformation temperatures vary from 425±50°C to 540±50°C, indicating amphibolite facies conditions. The estimated mean kinematic vorticity evaluated from quartz c-axis of the quartzo-feldspathic mylonites (Wm = 0.55±0.06) indicates the degree of non-coaxiality during mylonite exhumation. The estimated angle θ between the maximum instantaneous strain axis (ISA1) and the transpressional zone boundary is 17°, and the angle of oblique convergence is 57° in the M2 nappe of the basement involved. This indicates that the mylonitic nappe was formed by a combination of 62% pure shear and 38% simple shear during oblique convergence.

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