
A fibrino(geno)lytic nonhemorrhagic metalloprotease (neuwiedase) was purified from Bothrops neuwiedi snake venom by a single chromatographic step procedure on a CM-Sepharose column. Neuwiedase represented 4.5% (w/w) of the crude desiccated venom, with an approximate Mr of 20,000 and pI 5.9. As regards the amino acid composition, neuwiedase showed similarities with other metalloproteases, with high proportions of Asx, Glx, Leu, and Ser. Atomic absorption spectroscopy showed that one mole of Zn2+ and one mole of Ca2+ were present per mole of protein. The cDNA encoding neuwiedase was isolated by RT-PCR from venom gland RNA, using oligonucleotides based on the partially determined amino-acid sequences of this metalloprotease. The full sequence contained approximately 594 bp, which codified the 198 amino acid residues with an estimated molecular weight of 22,375. Comparison of the nucleotide and amino acid sequences of neuwiedase with those of other snake venom metalloproteases showed a high level of sequential similarity. Neuwiedase has two highly conserved characteristics sequences H142E143XXH146XXG149XXH152 and C164I165M166. The three-dimensional structure of neuwiedase was modeled based on the crystal structure of Crotalus adamanteus Adamalysin II. This model revealed that the zinc binding site region showed a high structural similarity with other metalloproteases. The proteolyitc specificity, using the Bβ-chain of oxidized insulin as substrate, was shown to be directed to the Ala14–Leu15 and Tyr16–Leu17 peptide bonds which were preferentially hydrolyzed. Neuwiedase is a Aα,Bβ fibrinogenase. Its activity upon the Aα chain of fibrinogen was detected within 15 min of incubation. The optimal temperature and pH for the degradation of both Aα and Bβ chains were 37°C and 7.4–8.0, respectively. This activity was inhibited by EDTA and 1,10-phenantroline. Neuwiedase also showed proteolytic activity upon fibrin and some components of the extracellular matrix. However, it did not show TAME esterase activity and was not able to inhibit platelet aggregation.

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