
An important issue in epilepsy research is to understand the structural and functional modifications leading to chronic epilepsy, characterized by spontaneous recurrent seizures, after initial brain insult. To address this issue, we recorded and analyzed electroencephalography (EEG) and quantitative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data during epileptogenesis in the in vivo mouse model of Medial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (MTLE, kainate). Besides, this model of epilepsy is a particular form of drug-resistant epilepsy. The results indicate that high-field (4.7T) MRI parameters (T2-weighted; T2-quantitative) allow to detect the gradual neuro-anatomical changes that occur during epileptogenesis while electrophysiological parameters (number and duration of Hippocampal Paroxysmal Discharges) allow to assess the dysfunctional changes through the quantification of epileptiform activity. We found a strong correlation between EEG-based markers (invasive recording) and MRI-based parameters (non-invasive) periodically computed over the `latent period' that spans over two weeks, on average. These results indicated that both structural and functional changes occur in the considered epilepsy model and are considered as biomarkers of the installation of epilepsy. Additionally, such structural and functional changes can also be observed in human temporal lobe epilepsy. Interestingly, MRI imaging parameters could be used to track early (day-7) structural changes (gliosis, cell loss) in the lesioned brain and to quantify the evolution of epileptogenesis after traumatic brain injury.

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