
The Durham Triassic Basin in Piedmont North Carolina is a lowland area floored with Triassic rocks and defined on the east and west by older Paleozoic slates and Carboniferous granites. A narrow strip along the western border of the sediments was mapped, and the relationship of the pre-sedimentation and post-sedimentation structural features determined. A reconnaissance method of multiple-surface analysis was used which suggests that linears in the Triassic-crystalline contact are buried fault scarps. The method was also applied to the graphic solution of two otherwise indeterminate rotational fault problems. A figure of 1800 feet is established as the probable minimum amount of erosional stripping in the basin and on the Piedmont since faulting. An integrated structural and geomorphic history for the formation and erosion of the western part of the basin is developed. Evidence suggests that the basin was never much wider than its present western limit and certainly did not extend as far west as the Dan River Triassic Basin.

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