
The epitope of monoclonal antibody (mAb 4A), which recognizes the alpha subunit of the rod G protein, Gt, has been suggested to be both at the carboxyl terminus (Deretic, D., and Hamm, H.E. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 10839-10847) and the amino terminus (Navon, S.E., and Fung, B.K.-K. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 489-496) of the molecule. To characterize further the mAb 4A binding site on alpha t and to resolve the discrepancy between these results limited proteolytic digestion of Gt or alpha t using four proteases with different substrate specificities has been performed. Endoproteinase Arg-C, which cleaves the peptide bond at the carboxylic side of arginine residues, cleaved the majority of alpha t into two fragments of 34 and 5 kDa. The alpha t 34-kDa fragment in the holoprotein, but not alpha t-guanosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate), was converted further to a 23-kDa fragment. A small fraction of alpha t-GDP was cleaved into 23- and 15-kDa fragments. Endoproteinase Lys-C, which selectively cleaves at lysine residues, progressively removed 17 and then 8 residues from the amino terminus, forming 38- and 36-kDa fragments. Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease is known to remove 21 amino acid residues from the amino-terminal region of alpha t, with the formation of a 38-kDa fragment. L-1-Tosylamido-2-phenylethyl chloromethyl ketone-treated trypsin cleaved alpha t progressively into fragments of known amino acid sequences (38, then 32 and 5, then 21 and 12 kDa) and a transient 34 kDa fragment. The binding of mAb 4A to proteolytic fragments was analyzed by Western blot and immunoprecipitation. The major fragments recognized by mAb 4A on Western blots were the 34- and 23-kDa fragments obtained by endoproteinase Arg-C and tryptic digestion. Under conditions that allowed sequencing of the 15- and 5-kDa fragments neither the 34- nor the 23-kDa fragments could be sequenced by Edman degradation, indicating that they contained a blocked amino terminus. The smallest fragment that retained mAb 4A binding was the 23-kDa fragment containing Met1 to Arg204. Thus the main portion of the mAb 4A antigenic site was located within this fragment, indicating that the carboxyl-terminal residues from Lys205 to Phe350 were not required for recognition by the antibody. Additionally, the antibody did not bind the 38- and 36-kDa or other fragments containing the carboxyl terminus, showing that the amino-terminal residues from Met1 to Lys17 were essential for antibody binding to alpha t.


  • The epitopeof monoclonal antibody, which containing the carboxyl terminus, showing that the recognizes the a subunit of the rod G protein, Gt, has amino-terminal residues from Met’ to Lys” were esbeensuggestedtobeboth at the carboxyl terminus sential for antibody binding taot

  • To characterize further the The light activation of rhodopsin, the rod outer segment mAb 4A binding site on at and toresolve the discrep- light receptor, triggers the activation of an enzyme cascade ancy between these results limited proteolytic diges- which leads to cGMPhydrolysis and membrane hyperpolarition ofG, or at using four proteases with different zation (Liebman et al 1987).A guanine nucleotide-binding substrate specificities has been performed

  • Progressively removed 17 and 8 residues GTP-bound form, the cy, subunit activates the cGMP phosfrom the amino terminus, forming 38- and 36-kDa phodiesterase,andthisactivationisterminated when the fragments

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The abbreviations used are

G,, photoreceptor guanyl nucleotidetion for Researchin Vision and OpthalmologyMeeting, Sarasota, binding protein; at,the a subunit of G,; pyt, the 0 and y subunit of FL, April 29-May 4, 1990. The 15-kDa fragment had an amino-terminal se- This suggests that the presence of GTPyS prevented endo- quence of Lys-Lys-Trp-Ile-His-Cys-Phe-Glu-Gly-Val-Thrproteinase Arg-C cleavage at Argn, similar tdoigestion with Cys-Ile-Ile,which corresponded to at residues 311-324 and trypsin, in which bound GTPyS eliminates A r e ’ as a cleav- 205-218, respectively (Yatsunami and Khorana1,985;Tanabe age site (Fig. 1B) (Fung and Nash, 1983). A Leu-Leu to the 38- and the 36-kDa fragments, respectively similar cleavage pattern was obtained when eitheurnmodified (a,residues 18-27 and 26-34) (Yatsunami and Khorana985; GIora,-GTPyS was used assubstrate fordigestion with Tanabe et al, 1985; Lochrie et al, 1985; Medynski et al, endoproteinase Lys-C (data not shown). Peptides that competefor antibody binding to GI may do so directly, by binding to the antibodyitself or to a site on G, which is recognized by the antibody, or allosteri-

32 P -TA D P
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