
With the increasing demand on affordable construction that addresses the global challenges of the modern world, earthen construction is being reintroduced and investigated as a potential sustainable and affordable building method. Compressed stabilized earth blocks (CSEBs) are a common form of enhanced earthen building materials. Previous studies focused on the structural performance of CSEB walls and prisms consisting of one type of bricks with the same mixture, analyzed their thermal and acoustic properties as units only, or evaluated the thermal performance of solid unreinforced CSEB masonry.The present research is the first complete structural, acoustical, and thermal investigation of an experimental house built with a novel reinforced/hollow interlocking compressed stabilized earth brick-masonry (ICSEB) using varying stabilizer contents, compliant with the Egyptian code for building with stabilized soil—Part One: Building with compressed stabilized soil units (EG-SE2016). Methods depend on experimental testing, codified theoretical calculations, finite element analysis, and live measurements. According to the structural experimental testing program, reinforcement was found to triple the load bearing capacity of ICSEB columns and, although minimal rebars were used in the ICSEB walls, it has improved their load bearing capacity by 23% for single walls (125 mm) and 58% for double walls (250 mm). In addition, doubling the thickness of the unreinforced ICSEB walls increased the load bearing capability by 164%, while raising the thickness of the reinforced wall from 125 mm to 250 mm increased the load bearing capacity by more than threefold (3.38). Based on the codified theoretical calculations and findings of the finite element analysis, it is safe to recommend reinforced double ICSEB walls as a reliable construction for a two-story residential building. Acoustically, double ICSEB walls attained the noise reduction index value of 40 dB, which is required by the Egyptian code for acoustic insulation and noise control in residential buildings, to protect against the average outdoor noise levels of 65–70dBA. Thermally, reinforced double ICSEB walls kept the indoor air temperature and relative humidity values within the thermal comfort zone, 23.9–25.7 °C and 28–36%, respectively, despite the fluctuating outdoor temperatures and relative humidities (16–37 °C and 7–88%, respectively). Indoor air temperatures were 1.5–2 °C lower than those of concrete masonry walls. Additional research is required to evaluate resistance to environmental aspects, such as exposure to water, wind, and corrosion, and to further investigate their thermal and acoustical properties.

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