
Strongyloides hyperinfection syndrome is a rare manifestation caused by the Strongyloides stercoralis parasite and has mortality rates close to 90% if left untreated. Corticosteroids are commonly implicated as a trigger for hyperinfection syndrome in patients with Strongyloides autoinfection, and it has been suggested that even a single dose of corticosteroids can trigger hyperinfection syndrome. Here, we report a case of hyperinfection syndrome eight days after administering a single 8 mg dose of dexamethasone for fetal lung development before a late preterm, emergency cesarean section (C-section) delivery secondary to placental abruption. Prior to the C-section, the patient had been exhibiting signs of autoinfection syndrome, cough, and abdominal pain, for several months. Following corticosteroid administration, she had sequelae of Strongyloides hyperinfection syndrome, including gram-negative bacteremia, undulating fevers, protein wasting enteropathy, and hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Sputum cultures were positive for Strongyloides, and after treatment with ivermectin and albendazole, the patient fully recovered. Strongyloides hyperinfection syndrome is a documented consequence of short courses of corticosteroids. Still, this case is unique because the patient only received a single dose of corticosteroids before developing hyperinfection syndrome. Clinicians must recognize patients at risk for Strongyloides hyperinfection syndrome and understand the risks of administering corticosteroids to patients harboring the parasite.

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