
The aim of this paper is to apply some recently developed improvements in the theory of monotone dynamical systems, due to the authors [ 12, 13 J, to certain systems of functional differential equations (FDE’s) which do not enjoy the quasimonotone property considered by one of us in [9]. The present work extends our previous results in this direction for scalar equations in [ 111 to systems. In the fundamental paper [S], M. W. Hirsch establishes that most orbits of a strongly monotone scmiflow on a strongly ordered space X tend to the set E of equilibria. Employing ideas of Hirsch and of H. Matano [7], the authors have extended the theory to obtain some improvements in the results of Hirsch and Matano under Matano’s weaker assumption that the semiflow is strongly order preserving. Recently, in [13], we gave sufficient conditions for most orbits of a strongly order preserving semiflow to converge to an equilibrium. These conditions require additional smoothness of the semiflow and a certain strong monotonicity condition for the linearized flow determined by the variational equation about each equilibrium. P. PoliCik [S] has also given sufficient conditions for most orbits to converge for semilinear parabolic evolution equations possessing certain strong monotonicity properties. In this paper, WC apply the convergence results developed in [ 131 to nonquasimonotone FDE’s. In this Introduction, WC briefly review the application of monotone dynamical systems theory to FDE’s enjoying the quasimonotone property. This research appeared in [9, 133. Then we state one of the main results of this paper which applies when the quasimonotone property fails but when another property (M,) holds. Some simple examples are given which

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