
Strong–strong beam–beam simulations for circular colliders are very time-consuming. Thus far, such simulations have predominantly utilized a linear transfer matrix to represent the full nonlinear lattice. Otherwise, when nonlinear lattices were included, beam–beam interactions were usually studied by using weak–strong or quasi-strong–strong numerical models. The next-generation circular colliders, including FCC-ee at CERN, CEPC in China, and the Super Tau-Charm Factories in China and Russia, will leverage the crab waist collision scheme with a large Piwinski angle. This scheme has already been employed in the two currently operational colliders, DAFNE and SuperKEKB. Accurate predictions of the performance of such colliders call for strong–strong beam–beam simulations, taking into account the interplay of the beam–beam interaction with lattice nonlinearities, impedances, and other collective effects. To answer this call, a novel code APES-T that allows integrating the direct strong–strong beam–beam simulations with element-by-element nonlinear tracking has been developed. To overcome the limitations in computing time, APES-T employs parallelization techniques. Specifically, the beam–beam module is parallelized using MPI programming, while the element-by-element tracking modules are parallelized using GPU programming. In this paper, we present the development of the APES-T code, its benchmark against the SAD code, and its application to the CEPC in investigating the interplay between beam–beam interaction, beamstrahlung, and lattices.

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