
This report presents findings from a study of son and fertility preferences in rural Chitwan district of southern Nepal. Interviews were conducted among a district-wide cluster sample of 769 currently married women and coresident husbands (subsample of 601 wives and coresident husbands). The Multiple Response Fertility Preference (MRFP) Scale was administered to all respondents who reported an ideal family size of three or fewer children (85% of the full sample). Researchers found that over 50% reported an ideal family size of two children. Over 30% reported an ideal of three children. 45% desired one son. Almost 50% desired two sons. About 70% desired at least one daughter. 14% desired no daughters. The MRFP asked respondents to indicate preferences based on two pictures: one depicted a completed family with the ideal family size but not the preferred number of sons; the other depicted a larger than ideal family size with the preferred number of sons. Respondents were also asked to chose between three hypothetical completed families: a family with one more child than the ideal; a family with twice the ideal size; and a family with six children. Men and women both chose families larger than the stated ideal. 66% of wives and 79% of husbands chose a family with the desired number of sons and one child over the ideal family size compared to the ideal family size and no sons. 34% of wives and 47% of husbands chose a family twice the desired size. 21% of wives and 33% of husbands chose a six-child family. Respondents who desired two sons chose larger families than those who desired only one son. 54% of wives and 43% of husbands chose to have one less son rather than a larger family and their son preference. 70% accepted the ideal family size without a daughter. As the number of sons rose sterilization increased. The researcher points out that a few questions about son and ideal preferences mask spouse differences and a comprehensive view.

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