
Interference channels with confidential messages are studied under strong secrecy constraints, based on the framework of channel resolvability theory. It is shown that if the random binning rate for securing a confidential message is above the resolution of its corresponding wiretapped channel, strong secrecy can be guaranteed. The information-spectrum method introduced by Han and Verdu is generalized to an arbitrary interference channel to obtain a direct channel resolvability result as a first step. For stationary and memoryless channels with discrete output alphabets, the results show that the achievable rates under weak and strong secrecy constraints are the same. This result is then generalized to channels with continuous output alphabets by deriving a reverse direction of Pinsker’s inequality to bound the secrecy measure from above by a function of the variational distance of relevant distributions. As an application, Gaussian interference channels are studied in which the agreement between the best known weak and strong secrecy rate regions also appear. Following the footsteps of Csiszar, Hayashi and of Bloch and Laneman, these results provide further evidence that channel resolvability is a powerful and general framework for strong secrecy analysis in multiuser networks.

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