We study a random walk $\mathbf{S} _n$ on $\mathbb{Z} ^d$ ($d\geq 1$), in the domain of attraction of an operator-stable distribution with index $\boldsymbol{\alpha } =(\alpha _1,\ldots ,\alpha _d) \in (0,2]^d$: in particular, we allow the scalings to be different along the different coordinates. We prove a strong renewal theorem, i.e. a sharp asymptotic of the Green function $G(\mathbf{0} ,\mathbf{x} )$ as $\|\mathbf{x} \|\to +\infty $, along the “favorite direction or scaling”: (i) if $\sum _{i=1}^d \alpha _i^{-1} < 2$ (reminiscent of Garsia-Lamperti’s condition when $d=1$ [17]); (ii) if a certain local condition holds (reminiscent of Doney’s [13, Eq. (1.9)] when $d=1$). We also provide uniform bounds on the Green function $G(\mathbf{0} ,\mathbf{x} )$, sharpening estimates when $\mathbf{x} $ is away from this favorite direction or scaling. These results improve significantly the existing literature, which was mostly concerned with the case $\alpha _i\equiv \alpha $, in the favorite scaling, and has even left aside the case $\alpha \in [1,2)$ with non-zero mean. Most of our estimates rely on new general (multivariate) local large deviations results, that were missing in the literature and that are of interest on their own.
Doney’s [13, Eq (1.9)] when d = 1)
The contribution of the present paper is threefold: (i) we give the sharp behavior of G(x) in the case α ∈ [1, 2) with non-zero mean, in a cone around the mean vector: this was missing in the literature—we treat the case α = 1 with infinite mean; (ii) we give uniform bounds on G(x), giving improved estimates when x is outside the favorite direction; (iii) we extend the results to the case of random walks in the domain of attraction of an operator stable distribution, allowing for different scalings along the different components (and we weaken Williamson’s condition [41, Eq (3.10)] in the case α ∈ (0, 1))
Recall that we work in the balanced case, so we write an ≡ a(ni) and α ≡ αi
Where (Xj )j 0 is an i.i.d. sequence of Zd-valued random variables (we treat only the case of a lattice distribution for the simplicity of exposition, but non-lattice counterparts should hold). We assume that S is aperiodic and in the domain of attraction of a non-degenerate multivariate stable distribution with index α := Z is a multivariate stable law, whose non-degenerate density is denoted gα(x). As in [35, 11, 28], we allow the scaling sequences to be different along different coordinates. We refer to Appendix A for further discussion on generalized domains of attractions (here we only consider the case where An is diagonal), and for a brief description of multivariate regular variation
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