
Let G = ( V , E ) be a graph and f : V ⟶ { 0 , 1 , 2 } be a function. Given a vertex u with f ( u ) = 0 , if all neighbors of u have zero weights, then u is called undefended with respect to f. Furthermore, if every vertex u with f ( u ) = 0 has a neighbor v with f ( v ) > 0 and the function f ′ : V ⟶ { 0 , 1 , 2 } with f ′ ( u ) = 1 , f ′ ( v ) = f ( v ) − 1 , f ′ ( w ) = f ( w ) if w ∈ V ∖ { u , v } has no undefended vertex, then f is called a weak Roman dominating function. Also, the function f is a perfect Roman dominating function if every vertex u with f ( u ) = 0 is adjacent to exactly one vertex v for which f ( v ) = 2 . Let the weight of f be w ( f ) = ∑ v ∈ V f ( v ) . The weak (resp., perfect) Roman domination number, denoted by γ r ( G ) (resp., γ R p ( G ) ), is the minimum weight of the weak (resp., perfect) Roman dominating function in G. In this paper, we characterize those trees where the perfect Roman domination number strongly equals the weak Roman domination number, in the sense that each weak Roman dominating function of minimum weight is, at the same time, perfect Roman dominating.


  • IntroductionWe study finite, undirected, simple graphs. Let G be a graph characterized by the vertex set V = V ( G ) and the edge set E = E( G )

  • In this paper, we study finite, undirected, simple graphs

  • If a support vertex is adjacent to only one leaf, it is called a weak support vertex

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We study finite, undirected, simple graphs. Let G be a graph characterized by the vertex set V = V ( G ) and the edge set E = E( G ). We denote by γR ( G ) the minimum weight of an RDF of G It is called the the Roman domination number of G. Note that every graph G of order n satisfies γRP ( G ) ≤ n, as one can define a perfect Roman dominating function f by letting f (u) = 1 for any vertex u of G. The weak Roman domination number, denoted by γr ( G ), is the minimum weight of a WRDF in G, that is: γr ( G ) = min{w( f ) | f is a WRDF in G } It was shown by Henning and Hedetinemi [12] that the problem of computing γr ( G ) is NP-hard. Figure 2. γr ( T )-function over a tree T, which is not a perfect Roman dominating function (PRDF)

Constructive Characterization of Strong Equality
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