
Professional voice users often present to otolaryngologists and laryngologists with specific voice complaints. The contributions of pathologic lesions to the patients' vocal complaints are not always clear on examination, and often, premorbid examinations of the larynx are not available for review. This study examines the incidence of laryngeal pathology among singing teachers. At a national convention of singing teachers, volunteers were recruited for a “free strobovideolaryngoscopic examination.” All volunteers completed a detailed questionnaire of their vocal and medical history and underwent strobovideolaryngoscopic examination. Strobovideolaryngoscopic examinations were completed in 20 volunteers, 7 of whom had voice complaints and 13 of whom perceived their voices to be normal. Vocal fold masses were common among the asymptomatic singing teachers. Evidence of reflux laryngitis was a common finding among both symptomatic and asymptomatic singing teachers. Asymmetries in vocal fold hypomobility were more common among those with voice complaints than was the presence of vocal fold masses in the population studied.

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